Audio-Technica VM540ML/H Turntable Headshell/Cartridge Combo Kit Red

(955 reviews)


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136 Ratings
  • Bill Mitchell

    > 24 hour

    Excellent product. I am so pleased with the sound quality coming from this product. I wish I would have done this a year ago.

  • Edward Y

    > 24 hour

    My wife got this for me for Christmas (on Amazon but separate account) Im coming from a AT 95E and a Shure 97XL. This blows them away!! Once you get this set up (Protractor and tracking force, I use a actual scale due to my counter weight being way off! AT 120 Turntable) This Bird can sing!! Amazing sound! Really brings my records back to life! I listen to Rock (Zeppelin, Beatles, The Doors to AC/DC) Just get this!! Set it up properly (from the factory it really doesnt come aligned so you will have to set it up with a protractor) I have done extensive research on this cartridge/stylus and it way out performs everything in the price range (and more!)

  • KqqR2

    > 24 hour

    Some hidden frequencies can be accessed by this stylus and brings out the best and most accurate reproduction of sound.

  • moggy8

    > 24 hour

    TEAC TN-350にこのカートリッジをつけてみて、あまりの音の良さにビックリしました。 オーディオは9割がスピーカーで1割がカートリッジと言いますが、まさにそのことを教えてくれる逸品です。 オーディオショップでは高いターンテーブルを売るために、高額品をべた褒めしてますが、そのようなものに騙されないようにしたいものです。安いターンテーブルでも、良いカートリッジを装着するほうが断然お得で良い音を獲得できます。

  • Mandelblat Julius

    > 24 hour

    Bought it to upgrade a kit cartridge of Audio-Technica LP120xusb. Since I bought it with a headshell, the installation was less than easy. I only needed to rebalance the tonearm. I immediately got clearly hearable sound improvement.

  • Eminent Front

    > 24 hour

    長年愛用していたShure Type 15 IVが壊れてしまったので、その代替として購入しました。 カートリッジはこの上位機種の760SLCやO社のSPCーGなどももっていますが、レコードらしい暖かい表現を求めるならこれでも十分かと思います。そしてこの針に関しては左右の素晴らしいセパレーション能力も持っていて、暖かいながらもメリハリのある音を奏でます。 VM型(MM型)とMCとでときどき論争が起こりMC派の人は一度MCに行くと二度とMMに戻れなくなる、といいますが、MMやVMには独自の魅力があると思います。 MCに行く一歩手前のカートリッジとして自信をもってお勧めできます。

  • JC

    > 24 hour

    This cardridge is at least as good as many more expansive products. Even on less than perfect vinyl. Dynamic, very open en detailed sound with plenty of excitement but not overly so

  • Christopher Connole

    > 24 hour

    Great upgrade for my AudioTechnica LP-120. Really opened up the range on the new & old vinyl.

  • Ms. Otilia Stehr Sr.

    > 24 hour

    とても綺麗でクリアな音が出ます。 最初聴く時にちゃんとしたパワーが出ないけど、だんだん色々なレコードを聴くとだんだん音が良くなって来る。 ちょっと高いな と思ったが、やっぱりこのハイクオリティーの音なら この値段でしょう。 買って良かった。

  • Wade

    > 24 hour

    I have had this AT VM540ML cartridge for 3 weeks now and the sounds that it is drawing out of my album collection from the last 40 to 50 years is just amazing . I was going to upgrade the stylus on my AT120XUSB turntable to the AT VM95ML but I sprang for the 540 and it just keeps sounding better all the time .

The vm540ml/H combo kit includes the vm540ml Micro line dual moving magnet cartridge premounted on the AT-HS10BK universal 1/2"-mount head shell The vm540ml Micro line stylus cartridge is the premier 500 Series VM540MLH in Audio-Technica"s New VM cartridge line - a line that harks back to A-T"s Early days as a manufacturer primarily of high-end phono cartridges while also incorporating today"s advanced technology Like all VM cartridges the vm540ml is equipped with dual magnets that are positioned to match the left and right channels in the stereo record groove for outstanding channel separation and extended frequency response The cartridge"s Micro line stylus allows it to Trace the record groove with incredible accuracy resulting in nuanced audio reproduction that elliptical and conical styli simply can"t match The stylus"s multilevel shape also wears better than other styli while reducing the wear on your records Includes mounting hardware

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