eve Pregnancy Test Strips, 99%+ Accuracy Result, Early Detection, 10 Count
fruit snack enthusiast
> 24 houraccurate + i couldn’t see an indent line - as a woman who would not currently like her uterus to be occupied, this is a great thing. no freakouts about whether or not I’m pregnant, nor holding the test up to a light at 3am trying to determine if a very faint second line is pink or grey (and I have good eyes regarding color!). this seems to be a positive thing among women trying to conceive, too. easy to use, dip for three seconds and wait five minutes. i’m a happy, not-pregnant camper :)
Everett Muller
> 24 hourwhen we were ttc i took a test every morning and found out i was pregnant at 3 weeks. highly recommend.
> 24 hourYou get ten pregnancy test strips and they were very easy to use and to read. The directions were clear and the lines came up just like how they should. Great price , 7.99, at the time, to me these are great and if I really want to be sure then I can spend more on the pricier tests, but this worked fine.
> 24 hourMy test has so many pits and dents on the result line I cant even tell if its positive or negative. Low quality product.
Roxanne Levy
> 24 hourThe directions were clear and they are very easy to use. You will need your own cup to collect the sample needed to test.
> 24 hourWhen testing frequently during a ttc journey these strips are worth the money and are super simple to use and read results.
Ashley Hoss
> 24 hourThe lines on these tests are pretty clear and its very user friendly. I like that it comes in a resealable bag, so its easy to keep together.
Trell Williams
> 24 hourIts fast and easy to use. Its just a dip stick, dip for 5sec, then lay flat and wait 5 min. I guess the hardest thing would be getting a collection cup for urine as most people wouldnt want to use cups from their kitchen. If and when I get a positive result, Ill update my review.
> 24 hourWell Im not pregnant. I tried these and a few other popular brands and they all said negative. I do however feel like you need to submerge them longer then most strips. But the result was still the same
> 24 hourBreastfeeding has meant that I havent had a period in almost two years. I take tests periodically to ensure that Im not pregnant again and so fat these have been accurate! While I send baby dust to those who want to be pregnant; I will be happy if these continue being negatively (correctly) lol