Nero Burn Express Version 4
Fernando Castro
> 24 hourWorks
Ray Mangrum
> 24 hourIf you had a Zero rating, I would have used it! Didnt work for me and if I understood it right, the real version was an upgrade they wanted to sell. Took a long time to get assistance to remove it from my computer, and they only did so after some ugly discussions back and forth.
Ernest J Stetz
> 24 hourIts just like the old one
R S Ship
> 24 hourEasy to set up and use
> 24 hourNot much here except for enticements to buy more product.
Amara Koita
> 24 hourEasy to use
> 24 hourIt does not work, it tells me to load new CDs and I have been through 55, no difference, it really sicks
lorinzo dodson
> 24 hourif the money was returned did it go to my bank or my amazon account. it was to be returned on march 8th
> 24 hourNice
Rafaela Larson
> 24 hourcould not get it to work. nor could i get any help,sent to bad sites and a phone nuber out of service. do not get this product